About Us: Why We Love Sound

Hello again, dear readers. We are the people behind this blog honouring sound in film. If you haven’t read our welcome post, we encourage you to do it, so you can see what you can find in this blog and why sound is so important to filmmaking.

We will use this space to formally introduce ourselves to you and tell you about our adventures with sound and why we made this blog in the first place. So, hello and enjoy reading!

Our Introduction to Sound

Some might have already accurately guessed that we are film students. Well, we were, now we work in sound. Let’s go back to the first years or as we call it “our introduction to sound”.

We were all first years studying filmmaking, trying to find our niche in the art we loved so much. None of us had previous experience with sound, we just loved films and knew a lot about them.

For our first film project, we were all divided in groups and each one had to make a short film. The people whose film ideas were greenlit became the directors, while the rest of us had to fit into other roles.

If we have to be honest, none of us wanted to do sound, but we all found ourselves doing a sound-related job. One of us was the sound recordist, another the boom operator and the third the sound designer.

We used to think that sound was easy and not nearly as important as directing or cinematography. Yes, that is very ironic considering this blog.

Once we got to filming though, everything changed. Despite filming on a sound stage, sound recording was far from easy. A recordist has to always switch between different channels all the time, making sure that everything an actor says is recorded with fidelity. Don’t get us started on the crinkles of clothes on a lav mic.

Being a boom operator is not an easy task either, having to hold a mic for hours at an end and following actors who tend to improvise and move as they please sometimes.

It goes without saying that sound design was also difficult, especially to a first-year who was just learning the complicated editing software and what it took for a scene to have intelligible dialogue and good sound.

Still, we are glad for this experience as we wouldn’t be where we are today, doing sound professionally and enjoying every minute of it.

Thank You

We made this blog to show you how sound in film works and why it matters. We hope that our articles can teach you something new and inspire you to look at sound in a different way.

Before we go and start researching for our new topic, we want to thank you for supporting us by reading this blog and its contents.